Special Programs

There are a variety of education programs intended to enhance the education of the students.

  • Resource teacher
  • Lunch program
  • Bus service
  • Before and after school care through our Early Childhood Center
  • Accelerated Reader Program -  All students in grades 2-8 participate in this program as part of their classwork.
  • Advanced Algebra Program -  Eighth grade students who wish to enroll in this class must be recommended by their current math teacher. The math teacher and the principal will discuss each candidate’s abilities. The standardized test scores, previous performance in math classes, and willingness to work will be considered in selecting students for this class. 
  • Altar servers: Students in grades 4-8 are encouraged to be altar servers.
  • Book Fair: All students may purchase books at one or two book fairs through the course of the year.
  • D.A.R.E.: Students in grades 5-8 participate in this drug abuse resistance program as part of their class work.
  • Ecology Club: Students in grades 5-8 may participate in the planning of Earth Week and other activities.
  • IXL Math: All students in grades 4-8 participate in this program as part of their classwork.
  • Reflex Math: All students grades 2 and up participate in this program as part of their classwork.
  • Junior Achievement: Students in grades 2-8 may participate in this program as part of their classwork, depending on the availability of volunteer teachers.
  • Liturgical choir: All students may sing in the children’s liturgical choir.
  • Math Contests: Students in grades 6-8 are eligible to participate in these intramural competitions. 
  • MCS Band: Students in grades 5-8 may choose to participate in this cooperate program with Millstadt School.
  • National Geography Bee: All students in grades 5-8 are eligible to participate in the school geography bee; the winner of the bee progresses to higher levels of competition.
  • National Spelling Bee: All students in grades 5-8 are eligible to participate in the school spelling bee; the winner of the bee progresses to the next level of competition.
  • Reading Club: Students in grades 3-8 are eligible to participate in this after school program.
  • Safety Patrol: Students in grade 8, and occasionally grade 7, are eligible.
  • Scholar Bowl: Students in grade 6-8 are eligible to participate in these intermural academic competitions.
  • Science Club: Students in grades 2-8 are eligible to participate in this after school program.
  • Speech Meets: Students in grade 6-8 are eligible to particpate in this intermural academic competition.
  • Student Council: Students in grades 4-8 elect two students to represent their class on the council. Any student in grades 7 and 8 may choose to run for student council office as president, vice-president, secretary, or treasurer.
  • Writing and Art contests: Various grade-specific art and writing contests are available to all students at different times throughout the school year.
  • Yearbook: Students in grades 5-8 may choose to assist in writing the school’s yearbook.