
Our Annual Fund Drive is kicking off.  Please help us reach our goal of $70,000!


posted Mar 14, 2014, 10:44 AM by Mike Stapf   [ updated Nov 3, 2014, 12:27 PM ]


Welcome to the new St. James School website!  A few notes before you get started:
  1. You'll first notice that this site is specific to the K-8 school.  The was done intentionally to focus on the school, and allow a more organized structure to this site.  The usual site is still in place for church, ECC and ITC.  Upgrades to those may be coming in the future! 
  2. This site is designed completely using Google Sites.  That means it integrates perfectly with the school email, the chromebooks, and all of the other Google Apps for Education that we use at school.  Integrating all of this means teachers spend less time dealing with multiple platforms, and more time educating our children.  
  3. This site is a work-in-progress.  We're launching now to start working with something that's easier to manage, and offers more up-to-date information.  We will continue to add and refine content over the following months.  We apologize if you run into any bugs while navigating the site.
  4. Lastly, you may notice we've been doing a lot at school lately with the technology.  This is all being done to improve communication and enhance your students' learning experience.  It's an exciting time at St. James.  If you want to be more involved in the technology efforts, please contact us, and we'll be happy to have you on the team!